Monday, 13 February 2017

2017 Already

I know I keep writing posts saying 'where have I been' but in true form here I am again saying ‘where have I been!’   To say working full time and doing a degree has taken its toll is an understatement.  2016 was one of the most stressful years I have ever had.  Working full time, studying full time, building work, going for a new job and just the general stuff we all have to deal with was all a little too much to be honest. 

New Job celebrations

I can honestly say I coped but not fantastically.  My health suffered and so did some friendships.  2017 sees me entering the last 5 months of my degree, starting my dissertation and honestly feeling loads better.

I had to pull out of all sporting events last year and this year I am putting no pressure on myself and just keeping an eye out for events should I fancy it.  I am still running (well shuffling) swimming and have just started a toning/strength class.  I have not been on my bike or spinning for a while but to be honest I don’t have the time or inclination.

2016 did have some wonderful times including the birth of a my friends daughter who I love.

Also a holiday to Greece although the weather didn’t co-operate but it was still fun.

Also a holiday to Greece although the weather didn’t co-operate

2017 is a month in and I am feeling good.  Really good really.  I am 13 days into cleaner eating and looking after myself and I have started my dissertation which mentally feels positive.  I hopefully will be back more now!

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