Wednesday, 15 August 2012

WIAW # 13

First things first I have to say I am feeling so much better and starting to have the energy to care about what I am eating.  I don’t know where the weeks are going at the moment as they are flying over and it is that time of week again.  Here are my eats for last Wednesday.
 Peas and Crayons
Breakfast I have not been having anything that interesting as still loving the oats

For lunch I have a tasty bulger wheat and roast vegetables with balsamic vinegar.  I love roasting veg and having extra for lunch the next day.

For dinner I had a lovely chicken curry and roast vegetables.  It was so tasty.

I can’t remember everything I put in but most veg would go and this time I did do things a little differently.

I served mine with some roast veg and also roasted some courgette/zucchini and onion that I added to sauce.

Chicken breast (we often have one between the two of us) in bite size pieces
½ onion finely cut
Handful of sugar snap peas cut into bite size pieces
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
1 garlic clove
Some spices that you like, I added grama masala, cumin, paprika and some dried chilli flakes
Olive oil

Chop and roast veg of your choice and cook in the oven. 

Heat some olive oil in a sauce pan and add onion, cook until soft then add garlic and spices.  While they cook drain a tin of tomatoes in a sieve.  Once spices are cooked at the tomato and simmer on a low heat with the lid half on and cook for about 15 minutes.  Add the chicken and mix then put the lid on and cook for a further 5 to 8 mins until the chicken is cooked.  I then added the roasted onion and courgette/zucchini.  Serve with roasted veg or brown rice (what my hubby prefers).   I hope this all makes sense as it was  a through it in the pan and see dinner!

Snacks have still been a banana and fat free yoghurt on the morning to fuel my run and then in the afternoon  veg and hummus.  I have been having this for weeks but to be honest I am a little sick of the hummus and need a new afternoon snack. 

I think I am stuck in a food rut at the moment and need to look at making new recipes but feel like I don’t have the enthusiasm or time at the moment.  I think I need a kick up the ass!!

I am still loving my weekly long bike ride and last week was great even though I definitely felt the effect of having a drink the night before!!

My weight lose is still sticking at the moment so any advice is welcome.  I do  get hungry (a lot) but especially when I am waiting for my dinner to cook.  I have noticed that a lot of the American blogs are taking about the Paleo diet which I have not heard about and just wondered what people think of it?


  1. I love your lunch! I've never thought about roasting veg in advance. I'm also not a fan of leftovers. I think I'm the only person in the world who hates leftovers.

  2. Mmmm, I love curry dishes. Dinner looks great!

    1. thank you. I don't normally add roasted veg but it really added to the flavour.

  3. My breakfasts also seem a bit boring... oats, oats and more oats! Can't get enough!

    1. I am just the same. nothing fills me up like a bowl of oats on a morning.

  4. Hi there! Came over to nose from WIAW at peas and crayons and saw your bike and had to comment. My interests are similar - food ruts and cycling :-)

    1. Great, i will defo have to check your blog out as their are not many cycling blogs out there. Thank you for getting in touch.

    2. Hi
      I hope you see this. i have checked your blog out and tried to make a comment but for some reason can not. The profile bit doesn't allow me to pick anything. Well done on your big race at the weekend and i wanted to ask some questions (if you don't mind)so if you see this please respond :)

  5. I see that your getting hungier more at nights.. Try eating more throughout the day. I've found that eating every 2-3 hours really keeps me energized & not as snacky throughout the night :)

    1. Thank you. i think i don't eat enough during the day.

  6. Hi! Just found your blog through your WIAW on Jenn blog. Everything looks very good. Maybe try adding some strength training into your routine. Also, I haven't heard much about the Paleo diet, but what I have heard about this diet is that it is very restrictive. Good day!

    1. I heard it was very restricted too and i don't eat much meat so maybe not ideal for me. I will try strength training thank you.

  7. The Paleo/caveman diet focuses on eating like our paleolithic ancestors (before the industrial revolution and the introduction of grains). It focuses on meats, healthy saturated fats, no grains or legumes, no dairy, a bit of fruit, and lots of vegetables. It is excellent for weight loss and for vibrant health in general. I myself follow it, although I do indulge from time to time. Check out this website for more info:
