Happy Friday and I hope you
are all having a good day. I have had a
lovely few days recently and it also helped that we finally saw some sun shine!!
I started the day with a lovely pancake made with banana and eggs that I made before shown on WIAW # 12. It was very tasty and filling.
Wednesday on my lunch break I
walked into a local park and it was full of families having picnic and enjoying
the sun shine. I work in an office at a
desk all day so I love getting out at lunch time.
There was an fairy event on and there were
all different things going on including a man showing all different animals. I had just missed the Meerkats.
It was so nice and made my
lunch feel long and a nice little break.
That night I went to the hardest spinning class I have ever done and I loved
it. Sweat was running (not dripping but
running) of my eye lids and nose!! It
was really intense and different to normal.
The usual instructor is hard but more about strength and you get plenty
of little breaks to catch your breath but this gym was more cardio none
stop. Like I said I love it. He is hoping to start teaching at my local
gym on a Monday night I think I might have to spin twice a week. I have been unsure about joining the gym but
think this has made my mind up.
Thursday I met up with some
friends for a meal and we went to a local pub.
It was a lovely sunny night and the company was great.
I had a lovely glass of white wine and
I didn’t take a picture of my
dinner as my friends think it is a weird but I had a wrap and chicken lasagne. It was off the 500cal section and it was really
tasty. It was so good to catch up with
them and see how they are doing.
I am so pleased that it is
Friday today and so ready for the weekend.
It has been one of those weeks at work!
Tonight my best friend is coming for dinner and I can not wait to see
her. We are not having anything exciting
but it is so good to catch up. I am hoping the sun might decide to come out
again so we can sit outside and enjoy the garden. It is currently pouring with rain and storms are forecast!
We have nothing planned for
the weekend so will see what comes
along. I do want to go out for a long
bike ride (longer then last weeks ride) as I am enjoying it so much.
I have managed to do all but
one of my fitness aims I set at the beginning of the week. I needed a rest day yesterday as my legs were
tired and so was I.
What are your plans for the
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