Monday, 23 July 2012

Cycle Happy

Good Monday morning to you all.

How was your weekend?  Mine was really good but sorry to say lacking in photos.

Saturday morning I woke up bright and early and decided to go out on my bike.  I had some cereal and made up one of my zero highs and hit the roads.

The start of the ride was really hard as it was windy again but once I hit the more sheltered county roads it was lovely.

It is very hilly where I live but I found them a great challenged.  I ended up going further then I have before and it really was by accident.  I hadn’t planned to go the route I went but found it so enjoyable I didn’t want to stop.

I saw loads of other cyclists out and about and it was lovely.  I didn’t feel like I was on my own.  The roads were nice and quiet too which was a great.  I ended up doing 16 hilly miles and felt hungry but great.  I learnt a valuable lesson that I should always take fuel with me and that a zero high (low calorie energy drink) just doesn’t cut the mustard. 

Later that day I meet up with my best friend and we had a lovely afternoon in the sunshine.  It was so good to catch up as we haven’t seen each other in ages. 

Sunday consisted of cleaning, food shopping, cooking and more cleaning!  It  was very therapeutic, sad but true!

I found a great post on making salads and storing them in glass storage jars on Eating Bird Food.  You but the dressing in the bottom and them layer it with salad that is happy to be in the dressing and then at the top but lettuce so it doesn’t go limp.  You just shake it up and serve.  They look so good you should check it out here.
From the internet and very tasty looking
 I got weighed at the weekend and I have lost 1lb of the 2lb I gained while away so I weigh 140lb and I am disappointed.  I know it is a lose but would have liked more.  I am not sure what else to do but will keep plugging at it.  Any advice is really welcome.  I have noticed that my legs are really toning up and I love that.

My fitness aims for the week are
Monday  - lunch run
Tuesday – Lunch run
Wednesday  - Lunch run and spinning
Thursday – Rest Day
Friday – lunch run

If the weather carries on being nice I will add some cycling into the mix to.  I never put plans in for the weekend as I like to keep them free and see where they take me.  I don’t have plans for this weekend so I am hoping to get out and smash my 16 miles. 

How was your weekend?

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